Wardowest is one of the few fishing charter companies in Tofino that offers Tuna expeditions on the West Coast of Vancouver Island. Our luxury 28 foot aluminium kingfisher vessel which is appropriately named 'Tuna Can’ is equipped with the latest equipment and Yamaha engines to ensure a comfortable, safe and enjoyable Tuna fishing experience.
West Coast Tuna Fishing
About Tuna Fishing in British Columbia

Albacore Tuna otherwise known as Long fin Tuna are caught in the deep waters of the Pacific Ocean with depths sometimes reaching over 5000ft. They are a highly migratory species which spawn in the tropical waters and travel north following the warm currents.
Albacore Tuna are caught using troll gear which involves towing artificial lures behind vessels travelling at approximately 6 knots in fishing grounds between 80 – 150 miles out from Tofino. Net gear is not permitted, and the catch limit is 20 albacore per person per day.

West Coast Tuna Fishing Season
The most successful trips for Albacore tuna are towards the end of the summer. In Tofino, this is usually towards the end of August and the months of September and early October.
The size of the Albacore tuna usually range between ten and thirty-five pounds (10-35lbs) off of Tofino. These fish run in search of bait in large schools and deliver a great fight for any angler.
Want to know more? Get in touch with our booking agent: